Boys Will Be Boys

Where have all the boys gone?

Where have all the boys gone?

Do you think boys ever get sick of puddles or streams?

Do you think boys ever get sick of pebbles or rocks?

What about being wet & dirty?

Muddy? Sweaty? Stinky?

My answer would be: No! Not ever! Never ever!

There’s something so adorable about those sweet boys jumping into every puddle they see.  It’s like there is a magnet pulling them into it & no matter how much they promise, they just can’t seem to stay out of the water.

How on earth did you get so wet?

How on earth did you get so wet?

There’s something so interesting to them about every pebble or rock that they find. “FASCINATING” they say to themselves.  “This one’s a keeper!”  And into the pocket it goes.  What if it is not a keeper one may ask?  Then, it MUST be thrown, hurled, kicked, batted or flung into a puddle or a stream.

How many times did that one skip?

How many times did that one skip?

There’s something so thrilling to boys about being the wettest or the dirtiest.  It’s like they didn’t get their job done if there isn’t a certain amount of dirt on them or if they haven’t soaked themselves from head to toe with the hose while doing a small favor for mom of watering her pot.  Could be one pot or 10. Doesn’t matter.  Soaking from head to toe.


I asked Jack one day if he wanted some cologne to wear to school.

 “That’s okay mom, I have my manly musk.” He said with a serious face.

I said “Manly musk? Where did you get that?”  Thinking for some reason maybe he was given some cologne from one of his grandpas or something.

“No mom” He said. “My “manly musk””.  I laughed, squeezed him tight and took a good smell of his “manly musk”.

My nose started to curl as I was about to say “smells like wet dog”. But said instead, “Heavenly.”

Then he squeezed ME tight.

Categories: Boys Forever, Family

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